VR lays out a new kind of viewpoint for examining an artwork. However, it also allows a viewer to shift its position inside digital space, thus creating an objective milieu for subjective analysis.
Nature depicted in the arts and especially in landscape painting has always been severe with marking out the viewers position. The colours and perspective chosen by the artist preconditioned the viewer.
The artwork merges these concepts and presents a landscape as a theoretically perfect digital copy of nature, which can be roved with a VR headset. The data being acquired by Lidar technology, it consists of a point-cloud, a digital space where the shapes of nature are defined in a xyz coordinate system, the colours are not intended to mime but to be realistic and comprehensible for scientific purposes. The essence of the digital has been used to propose a contemporary interpretation of nature.
This installation tries to enrol into and continue the line of artworks depicting nature: first as a background or ornament in religious painting, coming to the foreground as a canonised genre, only to be appropriated by land- and nature art.
The works were created during the Derkovits scholarship, a monthly grant for up to three years offered by the Hungarian state since 1955.